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Where do I purchase tickets?

Buy tickets here

Can I get a refund?

Grapevine has a strict NO refund policy.

Read our full terms and conditions.

I can't find my tickets!

Please visit eventbrite here

Do I need my name on my ticket?

Yes, we require your name to be printed on your ticket, as per your ID. If this is not the case, please contact us for further information.

How do I change the name on my ticket?

Click here.


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What does VIP include?
How do I purchase VIP?

All Grapevine VIC tickets are sold out. Join us in WA, buy tickets here.

At the festival

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What form of ID will I need?

You will need one of the following IDs on arrival and on your person throughout the entire event:

  • Current valid Australian driver’s license (with photograph)
  • Current Passport
  • Government Issued Proof of Age Card
  • Keypass
  • International Driver’s License (must contain a photograph)
How do I get there?

Grapevine is running return bus services from central stations and locations in each state, departing your selected time. More information and purchase here.

You can also organise your own party bus / private van to get to the festival. You will need to purchase a party bus / private van pass for this. One pass is needed per vehicle.

It is also possible to drive your own car to the festival.

Can I get an Uber / Taxi there?

We highly recommend against this. Due to the location of Grapevine, there are not many taxis/Ubers available. We recommend purchasing a return bus ticket which will guarantee your transport to and from the event.

What type of camera can I bring?

You can bring anything from an iPhone to a disposable camera however we do not permit professional cameras of any kind. Any camera with a detachable lens is not permitted.

What do I wear?

There is no strict dress code for Grapevine, however, it is recommended you dress comfortable and sun smart as the festival can be a long day. Due to the grounds, an enclosed shoe also recommended.

What time do gates open?

Gates open at 12pm.

What medical facilities are available?

There will be full medical facilities available from St John’s Ambulance. Their tent will be easily visible on site. If you have any trouble finding our first aid tents, don’t hesitate to ask one of our friendly staff for assistance.

Can I camp on site?

No. If you would like to stay the night we recommend looking into local hotels or AirBnb. These book up very quickly though as there are limited options available.